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What does the end of Special Purpose Financial Statements (SPFS) mean for your clients?
What's changing for SPFS
Download the whitepaper to understand:
What this means for accounting practices
What the current Tier 2 reporting requirements are
If there's a need to restate prior year figures
Completing a set of accounts for clients used to be straightforward but things are changing for practices with clients needing Special Purpose Financial Statements (SPFS).
Preparation is key. In this white paper, we will take a closer look at what’s changing, why, and how it may affect your clients.
Ebook: Are you ready for the AASB additional disclosure requirements?
Webinars: A practical guide to financial reporting changes on Special Purpose and Tier 2 General Purpose
What’s changing for SPFS
Watch Part 1 on demand to understand:
Why has it changed
What Tier 2 general purpose financial statements are
What it means for accountants
Get an overview of the changes to the Australian Reporting Framework effective from 30 June 2022, with sessions designed for accountants in public practice.
Watch Part 2 on demand to understand:
The answers to open questions from the first webinar
Learn how Access Software can support accountants prepare accounts under the new standards
In June 2022, The Access Group conducted the AASB 1060 Standard Changes survey with Momentum Media with 477 accountants as respondents. This survey revealed that only 13% of respondents understand the changes to AASB 1060 well, with 40% indicating they have little to no understanding.
The Access Group has now compiled resources that will help Accountants navigate through these changes and enable their practice to help their clients that are affected by this new reporting standard.